Stray: A Cat In A World Full Of Robots

Stray: A Cat In A World Full Of Robots

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Today, Sony at long last disclosed a significant number of the games going to the PlayStation 5 when it dispatches in the not so distant future—yet a couple of them are most likely coming to PC, as well. One of those that is affirmed for PC is Stray, another game from designers BlueTwelve Studio that is being distributed by Annapurna Interactive. The trailer, which you can watch above, is brief and didn’t show much regarding genuine gameplay, however the reason is interesting.

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Luckily, there’s as of now a Steam page with more data. The portrayal there clarifies that Stray is a feline experience game “set in the midst of the definite neon-lit back streets of a rotting cybercity and the dim situations of its undesirable underside.” In it, you’ll meander around with your robot partner, an automaton named B12, attempting to “unravel an old riddle to get away from a since quite a while ago overlooked city.”

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Stray will deliver some time in 2021.

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