Really Cool Easter Egg Hidden on the Pixel 4 Box

Really Cool Easter Egg Hidden on the Pixel 4 Box

The Google Pixel 4 probably won’t be the best lead out there yet it has some cool highlights yet includes aside, the Pixel 4 has a truly cool easter egg. Not the Pixe, yet the Pixel 4 box.

In this way, as of late, I ran over a Reddit post where a client passing by the name “Bogdan_X” posted a video. The post read “I simply found this cool Google Pixel 4 easter egg utilizing Google Lens”.

Really Cool Easter Egg Hidden on the Pixel 4 Box

In the video, he held a retail box of the Pixel 4 indicating the rear of the container under the Google Lens. Google Lens examined the picture at the back and in a matter of moments the container turned into a showcase for a Google themed welcome video. The video is played in expanded reality (AR) and starts with bright shapes and a “Welcome to #teampixel” message. After this, there are some cool movements, which marginally contrast dependent on the shade of the gadget.

The container resembles a cell phone with a showcase when the video begins to play. While the video plays on the “show” of the container, the encompassing continues as before. You can even move the crate while the video is playing.

Google makes some novel Easter eggs, for the most part in its web index. Recollect the “Thanos Snap” Easter egg at the hour of Avengers Infinity War?

Google makes some truly cool easter eggs and I think the Pixel 4 box easter egg is simply stunning yet I couldn’t want anything more than to see Google put in similar endeavors with regards to their equipment. Anyway, in the event that you need to look at the Reddit string, here is the connection. Additionally in the event that you have a Pixel 4 box lying around in your home, go on and check out it. It’s very enjoyment.

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