Download New Tales from the Borderlands (2022) Free On Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Xbox Series X and Series S, PlayStation 5

Download New Tales from the Borderlands (2022) Free On Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Xbox Series X and Series S, PlayStation 5

  • System Requirments Of “New Tales from the Borderlands (2022)”!

The New Tales from the Borderlands system conditions are then to help you figure out whether your gaming PC is ready for the mayhem of this adventure game. Thankfully, the entry conditions for this new adventure on Pandora appear to be fairly low.

Check the Tales from the Borderlands system conditions. Can I Run it? Test your specs and rate your gaming PC. System conditions Lab runs millions of PC conditions tests on over,500 games a month.


CPU – Core 2 Brace 2 GHz or original.
RAM – 3 GB.
OS – Windows XP Service Pack 3.
Videotape CARD – ATI or NVIDIA card w 512 MB RAM.
FREE Fragment SPACE – 3 GB.
Devoted Videotape RAM – 512 MB.


Memory – 8 GB.
Graphics – Card AMD Radeon RX 590.
CPU – Intel Core i7- 4770.
File Size – 30 GB.
OS – Windows 10.

While the New Tales from the Borderlands system conditions don’t specifically recommend upgrading your storehouse to the stylish SSD for gaming, you can go, it may greatly help drop lading times.

Inshort in detail, to play New Tales from the Borderlands you’ll need a minimal CPU fellow to an Intel Core i5- 4690K. still, the inventors recommend a CPU lesser or equal to an Intel Core i7- 4770 to play the game. You’ll need at least 30 GB of free fragment space to install New Tales from the Borderlands. The minimal memory demand for New Tales from the Borderlands is 8 GB of RAM installed in your computer. handed that you have at least an AMD Radeon RX 470 plates card you can play the game. likewise, an AMD Radeon RX 590 is recommended in order to run New Tales from the Borderlands with the loftiest settings. New Tales from the Borderlands will run on PC system with Windows 10 and overhead.

  • Game’s Compactability!

Valve hasn’t blazoned what order the New Tales from the Borderlands Steam Deck comity will fall into. still, given that the game does n’t bear particularly important tackle to run, we remain hopeful that it ’ll at least be ‘ Playable ’ if not ‘ Verified ’.

  • Is It Same As The Borderlands 2?

New Tales from the Borderlands is n’t really Tales from the Borderlands 2. To be clear, it would appear to be further of a spiritual successor to 2014’s superb Tales from the Borderlands, rather than a direct durability.

putatively further of an anthological entry( as suggested at by the ‘ new ’ part of its prefix), the game not only takes place on the completely different earth of Promethea, but it also boasts an each-new cast of characters to bobble too. Naturally, this also means that you need not have completed Tales from the Borderlands in order to get stuck into the new game. Great stuff.

  • Background Of The Long Tale To Come To Become Real!

When inventor Telltale Games launched the first season of its acclaimed and tremendously influential The Walking Dead adaption in 2012, it hit upon a choice- driven narrative formula the plant would strictly cleave to across every one of its titles until its sad check in 2018. Some set up masterful ways to acclimatize that decreasingly well- worn template, others were simply okay, but none were maybe as odd, memorable, and still cherished as Tales from the Borderlands.

Tales from the Borderlands sounded like a crazy, if not outright doomed, proposition from the off, trying to marry Telltale’s rich, character- driven formula to a puerile, open- concluded plunderer shooter best known for its oodles of procedural ordnance. But against all the odds, it worked sublimely, the platoon at Telltale using the Borderlands series’ approximately sketched oil to deliver an experience that, for numerous who played it, proved to be not only the stylish Borderlands game, but Telltale’s finest work- a five- part adventure that, largely free from the impediment of durability and anticipation, gleefully experimented with form and structure, mixing dizzying invention and lawless, unembarrassed flightiness to commodity with surprising warmth and emotion.

And now, some eight times latterly, original Borderlands inventor Gearbox is trying to capture the lightning- in-a-bottle magic of Tales from the Borderlands each over again.

  • A Short Synopsis!

An doubtful effect is on the way. New Tales from the Borderlands is the effect to the 2014 to 2015 narrative adventure from 2K Games and Telltale Games, Tales from the Borderlands. The original Tales from the Borderlands followed a motley group of misfits outside of the usual range of Vault nimrods, and now it appears the effect will as well. New Tales from the Borderlands is the Tales from the Borderlands successor that numerous study( including me) we’d noway see.

Happy to be proven wrong, this new investiture is now veritably much a real thing and with that comes a whole host of questions, similar as what’s the release date, how does it play, what platforms can I play it on and so much further besides. Luckily, our handy companion lets you know all the crucial details about the game and also some. To the vault!

In another word, The coming” Borderlands” game is arriving sooner than you suppose, but it is not a effect to” Borderlands 3.” rather, it’s a effect to Telltale’s” Tales From the Borderlands,” simply named” New Tales From the Borderlands.” The game’s original leak had suckers divided due to the fact that the inventor of the first title is not involved in the creation of this effect. still, this may not be as big of an issue as suckers firstly allowed
, since it was revealed at Gamescom that some of the original fibbers and pens from the original” Tales” game have been brought onto the design.

Now officially revealed,” New Tales From the Borderlands” is set to pick up where the first left off by offering indeed further of the wacky” Borderlands” humor and fustian violence that suckers have come to anticipate. Featuring an each-new cast of characters and, of course, some returning pets, this is an entry that suckers of the series will want to keep their eyes on.

  • Thought’s From The Trailer & It’s Overall Discussion/Plot!

During Opening Night Live at Gamescom 2022, 2K Games and Gearbox officially unveiled the first caravan for New Tales from the Borderlands!


Presented at Gamescom, the functionary reveal caravan has given us our first look at the game. The caravan begins with a look at the kindly normal lives the game’s protagonists were leading before their earth was raided, but we are also snappily thrown into the action as our icons drive through billboards, are pursued by tentacles, and get hovered by walking, talking ordnance. There is plenitude of hand” Borderlands” mayhem going on, and the new characters feel to fit right in.

” I absolutely love Tales from the Borderlands,” Lin Joyce, head of writing at Gearbox, tells me during a recent converse about the plant’s long- awaited follow- up New Tales from the Borderlands.” It’s also true that I’ve a doctorate in interactive narrative design, so it was a piece that I studied. It was like, What are they doing? How are they doing that? What kind of story are they telling? And without getting too academic about it, looking at how they played with history, how they played with time, and space, and perspective changes. All of that was inconceivable to narrative structure and design.”

Eight times on, Joyce’s love for what’s maybe Telltale’s most overlooked game has, of course, come full circle, with the platoon at Gearbox presently preparing for New Tales from the Borderlands’ imminent release. It’s a design that feels like an unenviable bid in some ways, given the inconceivable fondness for the original among suckers, but it’s a challenge the plant seems thrilled to have had the occasion to attack. But why indeed consider bringing back an odd little series spin- off that, despite a strong critical event, was far from a marketable megahit?

” I suppose when you look at what the original Tales did,” explains Joyce,” it allowed us to explore the Borderlands macrocosm in a medium that worked stylish for an interactive narrative game. It wasn’t a story that would have been fluently told in a plunderer shooter. And we clearly have further of those types of stories that we can tell and want to tell.”


Three protagonists, the platoon eventually decided,” allowed us to look at the world of Promethea through the eyes of further people who, although they partake a thing, don’t partake the same provocation. each acting as a window into the world and the story uniquely. But it also also allowed us to bring in a handyperson of group dynamics that is central to the story. Interpersonally they’re scuffling with hard effects in a high- stakes situation, and the way they’re suitable, hopefully, to stay clicked- it’s in player control-( with) respect for differences, respect for one another, and chancing ways to move forward,( that) was sort of a takeaway for me.”

New Tales from the Borderlands’ three protagonists also meant the eventuality for three uniquely different sets of capacities, helping grease another crucial focus for the platoon- a closer marriage of story and gameplay than was maybe apparent in the original.” I suppose part of the challenge we embraced is how are we going to do this else?”, explains Joyce.” And that meant that while there has to be good story sense and compelling character development. in every button press, we wanted to make sure we were edging in character and consequence.”

It’s clear that the characters themselves will have some differences they need to settle along the way as well, thanks to Anu putatively motivated by helping the macrocosm while her family is a bit more focused on a payday. With this title being a narrative- concentrated game like its precursor, the choices that players make throughout the game will really have an effect on these characters and their relations as well.

As similar, the personalities of New Tales from the Borderlands’ three protagonists help mandate how their sequences will play out. Fran can take a more brute- force approach to puzzling, for illustration, thanks to her supremely well- fooled hang- president, while Octavio with his always- online outlook and social media presence- uses his smart- watch- suchlike ECHOdex to get help from musketeers or to progress the story. And as for Anu, her skillset is intended to be a homage to the original game, with a lesser focus on disquisition and item use.

  • Will New Tales from the Borderlands Be Episodic?

Yes, this will follow the same episodic format that Tales from the Borderlands embraced. still, rather of forcing players to stay months between the release of each occasion, every occasion will arrive all at formerly in a single great lump when it releases for principally every major contemporary gaming platform on October 21, 2022.

  • It’s Breathtaking Storyline!

So you want to hear a story, eh? Say hello to New Tales from the Borderlands! This standalone, choice- grounded interactive narrative adventure is coming to Xbox Series X| S, Xbox One, PlayStation ® 5, PlayStation ® 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store on October 21, 2022.

This rumbustious adventure takes place within the constantly war- torn megalopolis of Promethea, where you will control Anu, Octavio, and Fran on the worst day of their lives. Help these three sweet disasters as they endeavor to change the world( and perhaps indeed save it)!

Face down a planetary irruption, vicious vault monster, and cold- hearted plutocrats in this cinematic exhilaration lift where what happens coming is over to you! Meet a motley cast full of misfits, homicide bots, and talking ordnance in this race to the top! It’s time to fight back against exploitation and commercial rapacity. It’s time to Make Mayhem Your Business!

  • Why It’s An Absolute Cinematic Experience To Witness!

A lot has changed in the Borderlands macrocosm since we first got a narrative- concentrated game in Tales from the Borderlands, which actually ended up being one of the stylish Xbox games for story-first players and suckers of Borderlands likewise. This means that it will be intriguing to see how this entry further shakes effects up. Then is everything you need to know about New Tales from the Borderlands.

New Tales from the Borderlands features three playable characters humanitarian scientist Anu, her ambitious,” streetwise” family Octavio, and the fierce, frogurt- slinging Fran. With nothing left to lose and everything to gain, you will claw and con your way through this thrilling trip sharp of gun- carrying mugs, unearthly beasts, and succulent tacos.

Along with their unique perspectives, each promoter has their own contrivance to help out during disquisition and violent situations likewise. Anu can overlook objects using her high- tech spectacles, Octavio can pull up people’s social media word and hack certain bias with his wrist- mounted ECHOdex, and Fran can punch her way through problems or indurate them solid using the erected- in accessories of her hoverchair.

The opinions you make determine how your story ends in unanticipated ways. Whether it’s Anu’s vision of a macrocosm that markets further than munitions, Octavio’s dreams of fame and fortune, or Fran’s frosty plot for vengeance, their success or failure depends on you.

The story takes place within a time after the events of Borderlands 3, with familiar faces and locales that suckers will fete but you do not need to have played any former Borderlands game to enjoy this tone- contained story.
This five- part adventure is delivered all at formerly, so you can play it at your own pace when the game launches on October 21.

  • It’s Release Date And The Platform’s It Works On!

This fall will be enough busy with plenitude of new releases, and” New Tales From the Borderlands” is adding onto that list with an October 21 release date. This was also backed up with the game’s sanctioned caravan and reveal during Gamescom, which verified the release date. The game was firstly blazoned as launching eventually in 2022, with no specific release date beyond that information. With the title launching on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X| S, PC, and indeed Nintendo Switch, anyone who wants to jump into further adventures in the Borderlands can fluently doso.However, copping the Deluxe Edition of” New Tales From the Borderlands” will actually include a download for the first as well, If you noway played the first game.

The PC interpretation of New Tales from the Borderlands will be available for purchase on both Steam and the Epic Games Store. Basically, if you enjoy any gaming press or halfway decent PC carriage from the last five times or so, you ’ll be suitable to get stuck into it with ease.

Lately, numerous games have been delayed constantly and suddenly due to the general state of game development last couple of times. As similar, we’ll have to stay and see whether New Tales from the Borderlands makes it on time or whether the inventors at Gearbox Software will need a bit longer to finish polishing the experience.

Who can players anticipate to go on these adventures with? The three protagonists of the game are the scientist Anu and her family Octavio, along with a revengeful waitress named Fran( per Xbox Wire). Now, with their homeworld of Promethea( a position featured within” Borderlands 3″) being raided by Tediore forces, these doubtful icons will have to do their stylish to stay alive and ever save the day. Then is what we know about their adventure so far.

  • Pre-Order Bonuses!

Anyone whopre-orders not only scoops up a pile of in- game credits and unique cosmetics for Anu, Octavio and Fran, but also a fancy in- game collectible item too. In addition to all those delicacies, folks who buy the Deluxe Edition will also admit the still-brilliant Tales from the Borderlands chucked in there for free as well. Lovely.

There are two editions of New Tales from the Borderlands, both of which are available forpre-order now. The Standard Edition( Digital Only) includes the full game, while the Deluxe Edition( Digital Physical) includes the full game plus the original Tales from the Borderlands so you can witness the former narrative adventure set in the Borderlands macrocosm! **

When youpre-order New Tales from the Borderlands, you will get access to the Adventure Capital Pack, featuring cosmetics for Anu, Octavio, and Fran,,000 in- game currency, and an in- game FL4K Vaultlander collectible. * The in- game currency can be used to buy fresh cosmetics so you can customize each promoter’s look, whereas the FL4K Vaultlander will make out your in- game collection for grand plasticine combat.

Vaultlanders is a minigame where you battle to the DEATH( with small plastic numbers). Throughout the story, there are surprise hassles where you ’ll need to engage in plastic figure warfare, attacking and dodging the adversary figure via Quick Time Events. These battles are for keeps, as the victor takes the clunker’s Vaultlander for their collection! As you play, you can acquire more Vaultlanders through noble combat and by chancing them hidden throughout the terrain.

Be sure to check out the New Tales from the Borderlands homepage for further word and updates, as well as the New Tales from the Borderlands FAQ runner. We can not stay for you to witness the unanticipated twists, gladdening emotion, and classic Borderlands humor of New Tales from the Borderlands when it launches on October 21!

*Pre-order offer available through October 20, 2022. Digitalpre-orders Adventure Capital Pack will be delivered via game at launch. Physicalpre-orders Adventure Capital Pack will be delivered via law in box to be redeemed in game. Terms apply.

** Digital orders of New Tales from the Borderlands( Deluxe Edition) on Xbox, PlayStation and PC a digital dupe of Tales from the Borderlands will be automatically entitled at time ofpre-order or purchase. Digital orders of New Tales from the Borderlands( Deluxe Edition) on Nintendo Switch a digital dupe of Tales from the Borderlands will be automatically entitled at launch. Physical orders of New Tales from the Borderlands( Deluxe Edition) a digital dupe of Tales from the Borderlands will be delivered via law in box. Terms apply. Tales from the Borderlands will be delivered for the same platform format and to the platform account associated with thepre-order or purchase.

  • A Breath In The Fresh Air Gameplay!

Still, similar as” The Walking Dead” or” The Wolf Among Us,” you’ll be extensively familiar with the type of narrative- concentrated gameplay that will take place in” New Tales From the Borderlands, If you’ve ever played a game from Telltale Games.” Players watch character relations unfold and choose specific dialogue responses while sometimes making some bigger choices that can affect the outgrowth of the story. This narrative- driven approach is what made the first” Tales From the Borderlands” game such an intriguing spin on the traditionally gun- fueled series, and critics have praised it for trying commodity different.

So no, you will not be sacking and shooting relatively like you typically would in other” Borderlands” games, but the story and the new caravan feel to boast plenitude of excitement to satisfy one’s pining for wacky violence. The reveal caravan does not show any specific player choices, but as the game gets near to release, we can presumably anticipate to see an illustration of gameplay in the near future.

Make the world a better place, get rich, and exact some sweet vengeance in New Tales from the Borderlands! The Gearbox Main Theatre Show at PAX West featured a deeper look at our three icons plus plenitude of gameplay.

Nearly 20 twinkles of nonstop gameplay was revealed, showcasing how your choices impact how the story plays out. This section from beforehand on in the story finds Anu, Octavio, and Fran in the seamsters of Promethea, contending against Tediore to open a dormant Vault. They need to figure out a way past the Tediore guards using either covert or good old- fashioned violence. Along the way they must also battle for honor and glory in a Vaultlanders dogfight, with QTEs deciding the winner of noble plastic combat!

Ultimately, our triad reaches their thing — a bona fide Vault, guarded by fearsome Eridian soldiers and all hell breaksloose.However, do not fret; you can watch a videotape of a playthrough up top!
If you missed the live gameplay member of the show.

  • The Characters Of This Gameshow!

Borderlands games always feature a new cast of characters, with the protagonists of the previous games showing up as recreating characters. Despite being a veritably different style of game, that same pattern holds true then with New Tales from the Borderlands.

Thanks to a table of New Tales from the Borderlands going live beforehand before the planned sharp reveal of the game, we got some details on New Tales from the Borderlands ahead of the first caravan. New Tales from the Borderlands features three playable main characters Anu, Octavio, and Fran. Meanwhile, the supporting cast will be made up of a admixture of new and returning characters from across all walks of life in the Borderlands macrocosm. Anu is described as being an” humanitarian scientist” who’s accompanied by her” streetwise” family Octavio. Rounding out the triad of protagonists is Fran the Frogurt- slinger. These three will have to deal with massive pitfalls, and player choices will determine just how successful they are.

As suggested at over, the main characters are Anu, Fran and Octavio, a sweet bunch of killers looking to make their fortune in a world where enough much everything and everyone wants to see them put forcefully six bases under.

Anuradha Dhar( or just Anu to her mates), is a good natured and peace loving scientist looking to use her knowledge to ameliorate the lives of everybody but finds herself constantly stymied by fear attacks.
Content to leave all the cerebral stuff to his family, Anu’s family Octavio is a road-smart hacker and tone- aggrandising hype machine who wants to make his mark in a world that largely wants nothing to do with him.

The story is set on the earth Promethea, which was preliminarily introduced as a major position in Borderlands 3, which saw the Atlas pot — under the leadership of Tales from the Borderlands promoter Rhys — fighting off an irruption from Maliwan, a rival pot. While Atlas was successful in defeating the raiders, the earth is described as being the home of a perpetual war.

Driven into a now tone- sustaining, incandescent rage at the destruction of her eatery business, the furious but still fascinating Fran is looking for any kind of score to make herself whole again and if that means raising a middle cutlet to the establishment, also all the better. Boasting much further than just a gamesome/ furious personality, Fran also has a handy hoverchair that encompasses all manner of tools and munitions to allow her to address just about any scrape she might find herself in.

  • Will Quick-Time Event’s Feature?

Quick- Time Events or QTEs as they ’re more generally known will feature in New Tales from the Borderlands, but the perpetration of them is a little different to what you might anticipate. While a fair knob of QTE sequences, similar as failing to avoid a projectile, will clearly affect in a fail state that ends the game, there’s also a sizable number of other QTEs that if failed, simply shoot the narrative down a different route; furnishing a whole mound of redundant replayability beyond an original playthrough as a result. Brilliantly, players can also tweak the difficulty of the QTEs as well, either making the sequences shorter( harder) or longer( easier), depending on how you like your QTEs cooked.

  • Can The Player’s Pursue Brancing Narrative?

It most clearly does. Echoing the design of Tales from the Borderlands before it, New Tales from the Borderlands prides itself on offering players a wide swathe of choices to make as they progress through an entirelynon-linear narrative with multiple consummations. From raying dialogue trees to indeed raying event trees that can shoot the narrative down different avenues depending on the choices made, this game is clearly all about thatnon-linear liar and therefore boasts a veritable vault cargo of replayability as a result.

  • BORDERLANDS 3 Update Notes!!!

Added support for PlayStation Crossplay with other platforms on PlayStation ® 4 and PlayStation ® 5.
(PlayStation ® Only) Added support for Variable Refresh Rate for PlayStation ® 5.
(PlayStation ® Only) Fixed a reported issue with Director’s Cut Behind- the- Scenes vids not playing rightly.
Colorful crossplay fixes.
Fixed a reported issue with the ECHO menu collude not showing rightly on ultrawide defenses.
Colorful performance and stability advancements.

  • Summary!

Like its precursor, New Tales from the Borderlands is a narrative- concentrated game, meaning that it’s relatively different from usual entries in the Borderlands ballot. Unlike its precursor, New Tales from the Borderlands isn’t being developed by Telltale Games. rather, it’s a game being developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games.

Utmost Borderlands games are first- person” plunderer shooters” where the thing is to constantly collect better ordnance and other gear and firing and smashing through thousands of adversaries. Tales from the Borderlands was a big exception to this rule, being rather a” choose your own adventure” game in the tone of other Telltale Games projects like The Wolf Among Us.

Players explore their surroundings, make dialogue opinions, and complete quick- time events, with the story branching and responding to the choices and commentary that players have made. Like the previous game, New Tales from the Borderlands is divided into five occurrences making up the game. Unlike its precursor still, New Tales from the Borderlands won’t be launching one occasion at a time. rather, every occasion is included in the game from day one.

This was a major issue with Tales from the Borderlands, as well as other Telltale Games’ systems. While the first occasion of Tales from the Borderlands launched in November 2014, the story wouldn’t be complete until the appearance of occasion 5 in October 2015, nearly a time latterly. On average, players were generally kept staying for two to three months for each new occasion to arrive, commodity that players will not have to worry about with New Tales from the Borderlands.

When the original Telltale Games closed in 2018, it sounded like Tales from the Borderlands would ever remain without any conclusions. effects changed when 2K Games acquired the rights to Tales from the Borderlands in February 2021, also went on to advertise New Tales from the Borderlands in April 2022. The Telltale Games brand has been revived and is working on new systems, including The Wolf Among Us 2, but doesn’t have any involvement in New Tales from the Borderlands.

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